Only Up

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About Only Up

You take on the role of Jackie in the game, a young person living in a slum who wants to escape poverty and set out on a quest to learn more about the outside world and himself. Though it's never been normal, the world has gone insane; perhaps this is your chance. When faced with a crisis, it is important to take quick action because failing to do so could result in serious consequences. It can be challenging to make the right decision at times, but don't worry; you can always try again. We learn from our errors.

Jackie will have to realize that, regardless of what may occur in the future, she must leap up and leave the ground in order to reach a new location. A samurai without objectives will reach the top if they follow the way with silence, persistence, and firmness, but what awaits them there? You're never sure. Have you prepared? Just Up! Platform games resemble Only Up in some ways because it is based on the children's story "Jack and the Pine Tree." You'll travel with Jack on the fabled route that leads to more than just reaching the summit. One of the game's features allows you to alter the character's speed and slow down time in order to take crucial steps or jumps with as much composure as possible. The game also includes a number of references and hundreds of resurrection eggs.

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